En ganska pessimistisk blogg i livets mittfält. Vi värnar om små minoriteters existens, som judar o romer samt kvinnlig jämställdhet och rättvisa för pensionärer i skattesystem, vård och omsorg. Vi företräder en liberal syn på energi- och klimathot baserad på teknik och forskning. Vi är numera pensionerad med ett långt arbetsliv bl a inom försvaret. Vi intresserar oss för språk och det latin vi aldrig lärde oss. Dum inter homines sumus, colamus humanitatem!
torsdag, mars 31, 2016
måndag, mars 28, 2016
I de lugnaste vatten går de fulaste fiskarna!
Terrordåden i bl a Bryssel och Paris (2 av flera hundra det senaste året över hela världen) väcker ju frågor om svenska jihadister. Enligt SÄPO finns det 300 aktiva jihadister i Sverige t ex att jämföra med Frankrikes 600. Dvs Sverige har flest per capita och fler än 3 gånger så många som Frankrike.
Mohammed Belkaid (bilden ovan) som var en av bombmännen som dödades av belgisk polis vid en räd förra veckan, visade sig ha bott i Märsta, uppburit socialt understöd samtidigt som han rånade ett företag i Gävle på flera hundratusen kronor! Han hade dessutom anmält sig som självmordsbombare till IS enligt den lista som TV-kanalen SKY NEWS kommit över.
Det väcker givetvis frågor om presumtiva Jihadister och vilken kontroll, som polis och Migrationsverk har över de personer som nu ges en i alla fall temporär fristad i Sverige. Den bedömning som görs är att närmare 2% av framför allt yngre män kan kopplas till intresse för IS. I bostadsområdet Angered i Göteborg räknas SÄPO och internationella bedömare att flest personer i Europa är med och krigar i Syrien, efter den belgiska orten Molembeek (Bryssel).
I Göteborgska Angered är 70% av befolkningen invandrare. På Guldgatan i Boliden där terroristen greps bor det 33 personer varav 9 svenskar! Även detta 70%. Vi lär nog bara ha sett början på svenska Jihadismen!
Bland det värsta är att både Migrationsverk och svenska staten finansierar IS verksamhet genom generösa bidrag till jihadister och deras sympatisörer.Man hoppas nu att kontrollen av transfereringar från bl a Sverige till IS stoppas genom Europol och USA försorg. Den svenska polisen är ju skadskjuten med annat och är knappast att räkna med längre.
För några veckor sedan beslagtog säkerhetspolisen skjutvapen på ett asylboende i jämtländska Krokom! Den idag gripne disponerade en modern lägenhet i Boliden, som Migrationsverket tillhandahållit.
Vad gör nu våra riksdagspolitiker för att lugna oroliga invånare? Inget! Komplett inget! Vi har nog aldrig någonsin i svensk historia haft så svaga riksdagsmän och så aningslösa journalister, som idag!
Med tillgång till statisk kan man räkna ut sannolikheten för presumtiva jihadister, som uppehåller sig i de sörmländska kommunerna med kännedom om antalet personer med muslimsk bakgrund:
Flen 70
Nyköping 30
Vingåker 30
Katrineholm 20
Strängnäs 20
Oxelösund 20
Gnesta 10
Trosa 2
lördag, mars 26, 2016
Opinionsläget i mars 2016
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Opinionen enligt Sentio mars 2016 |
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Opinionen enligt Yougov mars 2016 |
Enligt de två opinionsinstituten Sentio och Yougove så ökar nu moderatern - ett trendbrott - samtidigt som Vänstern, Liberaler och Sverigedemokrater minskar! SD är dock fortfarande största parti även om moderaterna nafsar i hälarna!
Tittar vi på förändringarna sedan i februari ser trenderna ut enligt följande: M+3,3 S+0,3 MP+0,2 C+0,1 KD±0,0 SD-0,4 V-0,9 L-1,9
tisdag, mars 22, 2016
Sista halvårets islamistiska terrordåd!
En läsvärd kommentar till Bryssel http://ledarsidorna.se/2016/03/dagen-da-schengen-dog-2/
November 12, 2015 – Twin suicide bombings kill 42 people in the capital city of Beirut.[170]
November 13, 2015 – A series of terrorist attacks in Paris kill 137, and wound 368. They involved a series of coordinated attacks which consisted of mass shootings and suicide bombings. This incident was the most fatal event on French soil since World War II.[171]
November 13, 2015 - A Suicide bomber kills at least 21 at a Shia funeral.[172]
November 17, 2015 – A Malaysian national is beheaded by Abu Sayyaf in the southern Philippines.[173]
November 17, 2015 – A suicide attack at a market in Yola killed more than 30 people and hospitalised more than 80. The attack is thought to be the work of Boko Haram.[174]
November 18, 2015 – A Jewish history teacher was stabbed in the arm and leg by three Islamists in Marseille.[175]
November 18, 2015 – A lone wolf Islamist killed two soldiers and injured civilians in Sarajevo. 3 dead 5 wounded.[176]
November 18, 2015 – Two explosions rock a phone market in Kano killing at least 15 people and injuring more than 100. Boko Haram is suspected to be behind it.[177]
November 20, 2015 – Bamako hotel attack. Gunmen yelling "Allahu Akbar" storm a hotel in Bamako, Mali. At least 19 killed, and more than 160 were taken hostage.
November 20, 2015 – A Suicide bomber detonates inside a Shiite mosque killing 10 people, other bombings in the area killed another 5 people.[178]
November 21, 2015 – Suicide bombers affiliated with Boko Haram kill at least 10 in northern Cameroon.[179]
November 22, 2015 – 8 people among women and children demise when a female suicide bomber is reduced to pulp.[180]
November 24, 2015 – At least 12 people were killed in a bus bombing in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. ISIS claimed responsibility for this attack that targeted a bus transporting members of the Presidential Guard. [181]
November 24, 2015 – In the November 2015 Sinai attack which occurred a day after the second round of parliamentary elections closed, militants attack a hotel housing election judges in the provincial capital of al-Arish in Egypt's North Sinai. 7 dead, 10+ wounded[182]
November 25, 2015 – Boko Haram invades a village and shoots indiscriminately residents and also fire rockets, killing 18.[183]
November 27, 2015 – 21 killed in Boko Haram suicide attack on a Shia procession in Nigeria[184]
November 28, 2015 – Islamist gunmen killed four security personnel in an attack at a police checkpoint in Saqqara. 4 dead[185]
November 28, 2015 – Militants fired rockets on a MINUSMA peacekeeping forces base in northern Mali. Ansar Dine claimed responsibility. 3 dead, 20 wounded.[186]
December 2, 2015 – In the 2015 San Bernardino attack, two people, one of whom posted on Facebook an "oath of allegiance" to the leader of ISIL, shot and killed 14 people and injured 21 others in a killing spree that the FBI was investigating as "act of terrorism".[187][188]
December 5, 2015 – Four female suicide bombers from the militant Islamist group Boko Haram attacked the Chadian island of Koulfoua on Lake Chad, killing at least 15 people and injuring 130.[189]
December 6, 2015 – The governor of the southern port city of Aden in Yemen, Jaafar Mohammed Saad, was killed in a car bomb attack. The assassination was claimed by ISIS.[190]
December 8, 2015 – In the 2015 Kandahar Airport attacks several Taliban members attacked the Kandahar Airport and surrounding area. 70+ killed, 35 injured.[191][192]
December 8, 2015 – An explosive device by Islamists targeting a military convoy went off in Rafah. 4 dead 4 injured.[193]
December 9, 2015 – A suicide bomber detonated his explosives at in the doorway of a Shiite mosque. 11+ dead 20 injured.[194]
December 11, 2015 – In the 2015 Spanish Embassy attack in Kabul, Taliban militants detonated a car bomb and stormed a guesthouse near the Spanish embassy. 6 dead, several injured.[195]
December 11, 2015 – In the Tell Tamer bombings three truck bombs by ISIS killed up to 60 people and injured more than 80 in the town of Tell Tamer.[196]
December 12, 2015 – Islamists detonated a car bomb near an hospital in central Homs. 16 killed, 54 injured.[197]
December 12, 2015 – A millitant detonated his explosives in a truck at an Iraqi position near the Saudi border. 6 dead, 14 injured.[198]
December 13, 2015 – Boko Haram Islamists, at least some using machetes, attacked residents of the villages of Warwara, Mangari, and Bura-Shika. 30 killed and 20 injured[199]
December 21, 2015 – A suicide bomber on a motorcycle killed six and wounded three in Kabul, Afghanistan near Bagram Airfield.[200]
December 26, 2015 – Boko Haram gunmen raided Kimba village in northern Nigeria, opening fire on residents and torching their homes. 14+ killed. [201][202]
December 28, 2015 – A Taliban suicide bomber killed at least one person and wounded 33 in an attack on a road near a school close to Kabul International Airport.[203]
December 28, 2015 – Fourteen Islamist female suicide bombers aged 12-18 attempted to simultaneously attack the city of Maiduguri. Seven of the bombers were shot dead by Nigerian forces while three menaged to escape and detonate themselves in Baderi general area and near a Mosque, killing 26 people and wounding another 85.[204]
December 29, 2015 – A suicide bomber detonated his explosives in the front entrance of a regional branch of the National Database and Registration Authority in the northwestern city of Mardan, Pakistan. The blast killed 26 people and more than 50 were wounded.[205]
December 29, 2015 – A gunman opened fire on a group of local residents who were visiting a viewing platform at the fortress in Derbent, Dagestan, southern Russia, killing one and injuring 11. ISIS claims responsibility.[206]
January 1, 2016 – A Taliban suicide bomber detonated himself in a French restaurant called 'Le Jardin' in Kabul. 2 dead 15 injured.[207]
January 2, 2016 – In the 2016 Pathankot attack suspected Jaish-e-Mohammed militants attacked an Indian air base killing 7 security force members. Several injured.[208]
January 3, 2016 – Five Islamist suicide bombers attack an Iraqi military base. 15 dead and 22 injured.[209]
January 4, 2016 – A Militant drove a truck packed with explosives to the armored gates of a compound for civilian contractors near Kabul's airport before detonating. 30 people injured, including children.[210]
January 7, 2016 – In the Zliten truck bombing Islamist militants detonated a truck bomb at the police training camp al-Jahfal in the coastal town of Zliten, Libya. 50+ dead 100+ wounded.[211]
January 7, 2016 – In the January 2016 Paris police station attack an Islamist from Morocco wearing a fake explosive belt attacked police officers with a meat cleaver. He was shot dead.[212]
January 7, 2016 – A car bombing at a checkpoint in the Libyan oil port of Ras Lanuf left seven people dead and 11 wounded.[213]
January 8, 2016 – In the 2016 Hurghada attack two militants armed with a melee weapon and a signal flare stormed the Bella Vista Hotel. 3 injured.[214]
January 11, 2016 – A 15-year old Turkish ISIS supporter attacked a teacher from a Jewish school in Marseille with a machete. 1 injured.[215]
January 11, 2016 - ISIS gunmen detonate suicide vests in a shopping mall, killing at least 20 and wounding more than 40 people.[216]
January 12, 2016 - In the 2016 Istanbul bombing an ISIS suicide bomber kills 10 tourists and injures 15 more in the historical centre of Istanbul.[217]
January 14, 2016 - In the 2016 Jakarta attacks 5 assailants kill 2 and injure 24 in a terrorist attack in Jakarta. The attack was orchestrated and financed from ISIS in Syria.[218]
January 15, 2016 – In the El Adde attack, Al-Shabaab terrorists attack a African Union Kenyan army base in El-Adde. 63+ killed, several injured.[219]
January 15, 2016 – In the 2016 Ouagadougou attack Islamist gunmen armed with heavy weapons attacked the Cappuccino restaurant and the Splendid Hotel in the heart of Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso.20+ killed. 15+ injured.[220]
January 21, 2016 – At least 22 killed in attack on Bacha Khan University, Pakistan. The Taliban claim responsibility for the attack.[221]
January 22, 2016 – Al-Shabab attack on beachside restaurant leaves 20 dead.[222]
January 25, 2016 – Suspected Boko Haram insurgents have blown themselves up in a market in Cameroon, killing at least 25 people and injuring 62 others.[223]
January 30, 2016 – Boko Haram gunmen raided a Nigerian village, at least 65 people were killed and 136 others injured.[224]
March 13, 2016 – In the 2016 Grand-Bassam shootings Al Qaeda gunmen stormed 3 hotels in the beach resort city of Grand-Bassam in the Ivory Coast, leaving 18 people dead.[225]
March 19, 2016 - A suicide bombing occurred in Istanbul aiming civilians which resulted in 5 deaths including the perpetrator. [226]
March 22, 2016 - At least two suicide bombers attack the subway and the airport in Brussels.
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